November 15, 2022
Guess the Number of Jellybeans in the Mason Jar / Baby Shower Game
Meet us at the WESTERN BORDER
Guess the Number of Jellybeans in the Mason Jar / Baby Shower Game
Did you know there is a company that makes Baby Bottle Mason Jars? Well, there is such a thing, and you can check out their company at: https://masonbottle.com
Here is a game you can use at your country/western theme Baby Shower.
Fill your Baby Mason Jar with jellybeans or any other kind of candy. Show your guests the mason jar bottle and they need to guess how many jelly beans are in it.
The one guest who is close to number of jelly beans wins.
Have fun at your baby shower!
If you need an extra gift for a baby shower, just check out our website at: www.westernborderandco.com
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